This essentials-only trauma pack contains Adventure® Medical Kit’s QuikClot, a hemostatic dressing that stops bleeding three times faster by accelerating your body’s natural clotting process with zeolite. In addition to the hemostatic dressing, this pack includes a combine pad, triangular bandage, and gauze dressings to help control the bleeding and duct tape to hold it all in place.
- Respond quickly to control bleeding until professional help arrives. This trauma kit contains the essentials you need to treat trauma in a quick-to-deploy format. Inside, you’ll find a QuikClot® Advanced Clotting Sponge, trauma pad, triangular bandage, sterile gauzes, and other key supplies.
- Control bleeding the hemostatic sponge that works on contact to accelerate your body’s natural clotting process and stop bleeding three times faster. The sponge contains the hemostatic agent zeolite, an inorganic mineral that works quickly to induce clotting, in a non-adherent mesh bag.
- Prepare yourself with the first aid information you need. This one-page guide includes life-saving trauma care instructions, including how to apply a tourniquet, stabilize fractures, manage gunshot wounds, and treat sucking chest wounds.
- Have the tools you need to stop severe bleeding wherever you go. The Trauma Pak weighs only 4.4 oz. and is small enough to fit into a BDU pocket. Keep one in your glove box, range bag, backpack, first responder kit, and everyday carry bag so you’re prepared when trauma occurs.