The Medium Camp Hauler makes it easy to access all your camping gear and keep it organized, whether car camping or trekking out to backcountry. Padded straps keep carrying comfortable while the side haul loops give you leverage when pulling gear from the car. Aluminum stays help the base of the bag stand so gear doesn't spill, while interior pockets and loops make it easy to grab what you need. A stowable top cover adds extra protection.
- Padded straps and haul handles on each side for ease of carry
- External zippered stash pocket with key fob and 4 large internal org pockets
- Stowable top cover to secure the load and provide some extra cover
- Main materials: 150d Armour Laminate Single Side (Phthalate-Free) 100% Polyester
- Lining: 135d 100% Polyester
- Pack volume: 4577ci ยป 75 liters
- Reinforcement Material: 420d HT 100% Nylon Oxford
- Weight: 2lbs 9.5oz (1180g)